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Whats new to avoid frequent update on top page, updates of Training are omitted from now on

04/01/29 Frostbite half marathon is added on to Race

04/01/05 Gallery is added (aparted from Training)

03/09/07 Hanno training is added on to Training

03/08/20 Lake Kawaguchi trip is added on to Training

03/08/13 Enoshima training is added on to Training

03/07/29 Fuji tozan marathon is added on to Race and Training

03/07/21 some items added on to FleaMarkt

03/07/12 Layout has been changed. Some info added on to Race

03/07/11 Banners has been replaced by small one except top page.

03/06/17 OmenRiders has been raised to a main page at bananainu site

Old history available here
